Virgin Media Limited is a British company which provides telephone, television and internet services in the United Kingdom. Its headquarters are in Hook, Hampshire, United Kingdom.

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Recent Virgin Media Issues

Andy Harris (@aawharris77)

@AFC_ND85 @becksthfc @virginmedia They are all the same like that. You take a contract out at X per month, then they regularly put it up, tell them as they have breached the contract you want to cancel and they just threaten you with all sorts. Really shitty way to be.
posted 2 weeks ago

Mike Child (@mikechildmusic)

@virginmedia Hi. Is there an issue with E-Mails right now? My connection to the server keeps timing out. For info, I access E-Mail via the Apple Mail app on my iMac.
posted 2 weeks ago

Bik ⧖ #EliteLiesCostLives (@BikBickmore)

@virginmedia Day two of the disruption - Royal Mail unable to collect again. I'm now having to respond to eBay why my goods haven't been delivered to the purchasers yet. Please supply an email address for a formal complaint..
posted 1 month ago

Mike Child (@mikechildmusic)

@virginmedia Hi. Unfortunately we have attempted to gain access to the webmail service on the Virgin Media website, but a page comes up saying the E-Mail account is currently unavailable.
posted 4 months ago

Kimberley Chandler (@moretoprove)

@virginmedia Will any of my complaints get me my money back? I was told a manager would call me back within 48h after raising one imaginary complaint. That was 3 months ago. Still waiting. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” (anon)
posted 4 months ago

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