
Comcast Xfinity is an American Internet & Digital TV provider & It is the largest broadcasting and cable television company in the world by revenue. You can find comcast xfinity business outage information, live outage map and user's problems/reports in almost real-time.
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Recent Comcast Xfinity Issues

@Jw_Heff @stoney16 @Xfinity @BallySportsDET @tigers @Pistons @wings Yeah but they gotta go through courts due to the bankruptcy situation. Could be a year minimum
I NEED YOU ALL TO SIT DOWN & FIGURE IT OUT. And in the middle of baseball season. @Braves baseball is the only reason I pay for TV. Can't stream on @comcast @Xfinity or directly through Bally Sports+ @BallySportsSO @BravesOnBally
eddie eidson
eddie eidson
Thanks @Xfinity and @BallySportsSO sure would be Nice to watch a Braves game today….Get over your pissing contest and take care of your Customers that keep you in Business!!!..yeah I know,y’all don’t Care….
The Ancestral Order
The Ancestral Order
Nos sentimos muy disgustados con el mal servicio de internet de Comcast, no puede ser peor la calidad del servicio. @comcast
Zach Dunlop
Zach Dunlop
Looks like the Twins game was pretty sweet today @BallySportsNOR @Twins @comcast @Xfinity
Steve Stiber
Steve Stiber
@Braves @comcast @Xfinity @XfinitySupport --- this is going to be the thing that pushes me to drop all of your services. If I'm going to have to pay a third party for access to watch the Braves, I'll make the switch to fiber internet as well....see ya
If @BallySportsDET continues to have problems by @xfinity screwing them, I hope a billion customers leave Xfinity and their lying bullshit. I'm certain they screwed me too by promising Bally on my new cable package. Their promise and not carrying on is fraud. I'm dropping them.
@DJYngwie @Lions Yeps. I had Hulu Live, which is $83 a month. I get Hulu Basic with my spotify account. But with this crap going on with cable, if @xfinity continues to screw the customers, they'll lose out hard. @BallySportsDET plays all Detroit/Michigan games. No one will be able to watch.
Kyle Moody
Kyle Moody
@Braves @680TheFan Wish I could watch it. Ex @Xfinity subscriber.
Kyle Moody
Kyle Moody
Well I guess it’s time to cancel my cable with @Xfinity. What is the best way to watch @Braves baseball? Located in Atlanta. I just called to cancel and @Xfinity didn’t even try and save me after having them for over 10 years.
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