Cloudflare operates as a content delivery network and distributed DNS (domain name server). Its services protect website owners from peak loads, comment spam attacks and DDos (distributed denial of service) attacks.


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Recent Cloudflare Issues

Kryštof Korb
Kryštof Korb
@Cloudflare It is still not possible to create a new account without creating a useless user account and then transfering the ownership…
Kelly The Poet
Kelly The Poet
@AmazonHelp @SHEIN_Official @Cloudflare @amazon I message you constantly, you take it down then it's back up. The AI you seem so confident in doesn't seem to work. I will do my weekly scan of Amazon and reporting, although I found some only available in the USA this week so I wouldn't have seen it before. Very frustrating
posted 3 hours ago
Yaswanth Kambala â‚¿
Yaswanth Kambala â‚¿
@_mchenco @Cloudflare I believe I need to have a paid plan to try out it, that also might be an issue
posted 4 hours ago
tantomile 
tantomile 
@ImLunaHey @AxiomFM @Cloudflare @CloudflareDev @CloudflareHelp how does every single logo here look terrible on that dark background with the possible exception of gcloud
posted 6 hours ago
David Paulsson
David Paulsson
I'm currently hosting a @GatsbyJS site on a @Netlify paid plan. But I'm migrating to @nextjs. Is there any point in migrating the hosting provider to @vercel (or @Cloudflare pages?) as well? or is there no point
posted 7 hours ago
AbOu Farhaan XPLUS.
AbOu Farhaan XPLUS.
@CloudflareRadar @Cloudflare @Paltelco My account with mustaphabarhama@gmail.com has been blocked with @greenchain has been blocked for no reason.
posted 14 hours ago
@Cloudflare you all increased prices in 2022. Inflation was rampant, and a main factor was energy costs. Global cost has gone down, please lower professional hosting plan costs
posted 17 hours ago
Timan Rebel
Timan Rebel
@Cloudflare, is it somehow possible to set overall billing alerts? For example, when our bill would exceed X dollars? We just ran a $700 bill in 7 days due to a badly configured D1 index, and that is totally our fault. But it seems I can only set billing alerts for DO or Worker…
posted 19 hours ago
Kostas Livieratos
Kostas Livieratos
@arvidkahl @Cloudflare That's my experience too. Cloudflare has amazing DX but it's a platform service which ships a crap ton of stuff. Reliability does not seem to be on top of the prio list.
posted 1 day ago
Piotr Obidowski
Piotr Obidowski
Day 2 of deploying to @Cloudflare
posted 1 day ago
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