Cloudflare operates as a content delivery network and distributed DNS (domain name server). Its services protect website owners from peak loads, comment spam attacks and DDos (distributed denial of service) attacks.


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@Cloudflare you all increased prices in 2022. Inflation was rampant, and a main factor was energy costs. Global cost has gone down, please lower professional hosting plan costs
posted 4 hours ago
Timan Rebel
Timan Rebel
@Cloudflare, is it somehow possible to set overall billing alerts? For example, when our bill would exceed X dollars? We just ran a $700 bill in 7 days due to a badly configured D1 index, and that is totally our fault. But it seems I can only set billing alerts for DO or Worker…
posted 5 hours ago
Kostas Livieratos
Kostas Livieratos
@arvidkahl @Cloudflare That's my experience too. Cloudflare has amazing DX but it's a platform service which ships a crap ton of stuff. Reliability does not seem to be on top of the prio list.
posted 15 hours ago
Piotr Obidowski
Piotr Obidowski
Day 2 of deploying to @Cloudflare
posted 15 hours ago
Nicklas Kevin Frank
Nicklas Kevin Frank
@arvidkahl @Cloudflare Handling millions of daily requests with no issues typically! However, I did experience the same challenge, although sub 0.01% requests, on a content streaming service. Do you keep a lot of long-running connections or streams?
posted 15 hours ago
Andreas Lehr
Andreas Lehr
@arvidkahl @Cloudflare The API is protected by CF? Free account? LB at CF in use? You could whitelist your services additionally to auth, e.g. with a special header.
posted 15 hours ago
@Cloudflare @eastdakota thoughts? @rauchg also curious on your thoughts since @vercel was being dragged for the same kinda thing but atleast you fixed the issue.
posted 1 day ago
chronark — oss/acc
chronark — oss/acc
@ImLunaHey @Cloudflare best part was their banner on top of the billing page these last few weeks something along the lines of "we're migrating stuff and what we show you is probably not accurate, yolo"
posted 1 day ago
come on @Cloudflare bill shock is a massive issue, i shouldnt need to check 20 different places to find out how much ill be paying at the end of the month. why doesnt your billing page show most of your products? i'd love to keep using d1 but now im worried ill have to…
posted 1 day ago
@Cloudflare @CloudflareDev what is the arrayBuffer? is it the body? is it the request itself? who the fuck knows...
posted 1 day ago
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