
The United States Department of Energy is a Cabinet-level department of the United States Government concerned with the United States' policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material.


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Vincent Puleo
Vincent Puleo
@ENERGY Trump, if elected, will try to tear all this progress down!!! Biden is trying to help us gain ground on the rest of the world in adopting more economical energy solutions. Green energy will WIN, primarily because of economics!! Trump will cast us back to the "stone age"..
posted 1 month ago
@DorisMatsui @EnergyCommerce @SecGranholm @ENERGY It’s worth noting that Jenny’s home state electric bills have tripled with the green fantasy
posted 2 months ago
@SenatorHeinrich @ENERGY You're gonna bankrupt this state with your green new bullshit, and we'll be there to clown the fuck out of you when it happens , we won't be able to be in public without being shamed !
posted 3 months ago
chango boogey
chango boogey
@SenJeffMerkley @EPA @ENERGY We dont want your overpriced green energy we want affordable energy so we can raise our families outside of poverty
posted 5 months ago
Ed Foster
Ed Foster
@AGHuff @DrHermiz @FBI @ENERGY And it keeps getting worse. They want to take over a Chinese island 9km from the mainland now and station a Green Barret team there with the Taiwanese.
posted 5 months ago
@RepMcGovern @UMassAmherst @POTUS @ENERGY @eeregov No one wants your green bullshit fat head. Go crawl back under the rock you came out of….Massachusetts is a dumpster fire and your playing with windmills, got it. Traitor.
posted 5 months ago
Dan McArdle
Dan McArdle
@JustinGerdes @cleantechinv @ENERGY Yeah, the driver of that chart - the dark green - is overwhelmingly just Tesla. It is hard to overstate the degree to which Tesla alone has driven all these trends to date.
posted 5 months ago
Rose Smith
Rose Smith
@POTUS @HHSGov @ENERGY Your green crap and attacks against natural gas is causing increased cost to Americans you moran!
posted 6 months ago
M. Duke II
M. Duke II
@ENERGY Having an increasingly unreliable grid, because of "green" investments...is increasing the frequency of power outages. Fixed it for you.
posted 6 months ago

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