
Time Warner Cable was an American cable television company. Prior to its purchase by Charter Communications in 2016, it was ranked the second largest cable company in the United States by revenue behind only Comcast, operating in 29 states.

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Recent Time Warner Cable's Spectrum Issues

Keith KC8TCQ ☕ (@Keith_Hosman)

@Ask_Spectrum eah you can knock that crap off entirely. If I want to leave my TV on 24/7, it doesn't cost you a single cent more. I am the one paying y utility bills, and as much as I pay for my cable and internet, you can damn well let me watch what I want as long as I want
posted 1 month ago

Keith KC8TCQ ☕ (@Keith_Hosman)

@Ask_Spectrum I mean seriously, the coverage started at 1PM ET on FS1, and was scheduled to go until 6PM ET. I specifically tuned in for this, why the hell would I not want to continue watching. God that is a stupid policy
posted 1 month ago

Keith KC8TCQ ☕ (@Keith_Hosman)

@Ask_Spectrum you unmitigated assholes I'm watching the NASCAR race, and event that takes several hours. I get up just long enough to go to the bathroom, get back to see "are you still watcjing" I don't grab the remote fast enough, and you turn the race off. WTF!!!!!!!!
posted 1 month ago

Pete77 (@whodeypete)

@another_j_name @Ask_Spectrum I was just telling a guy this at work yesterday!
posted 2 months ago

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