
Signal is an encrypted communications application for Android and iOS. It uses the Internet to send one-to-one and group messages, which can include files, voice notes, images and videos, and make one-to-one voice and video calls. Signal uses standard cellular mobile numbers as identifiers, and uses end-to-end encryption to secure all communications to other Signal users.


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Andrea Speranza
Andrea Speranza
@BiuroRPO @hfhrpl @USAmbPoland @StateDept @JackPosobiec @FoxNews @signalapp @Euractiv @BILD
posted 7 hours ago
Crypto Lady Gems Finder 100x
Crypto Lady Gems Finder 100x
@SIRKL_io @WhatsApp @signalapp @telegram I like your project send me DM let's take your project to the moon
posted 7 hours ago
@derekmorr @JHDN @signalapp It's up to them to decide what is best to protect their users. Data loss in this case isn't that critical because all messages are already available in the mobile app. The decision is between (possible) data loss vs. (possible) data exfiltration by another process.
posted 7 hours ago
@boxswapper @honeyzed97 @dorkingbeauty1 @SatanicLulz @ayu_19980408 @tearaverse @GizmosSpace @discord @webrtc @signalapp So zo @honeyzed97 - I had 14 years of experience in voice and data analysis do you seriously think that I don't know what I am talking about? Don't piss me off!
posted 9 hours ago
@honeyzed97 @boxswapper @dorkingbeauty1 @SatanicLulz @ayu_19980408 @tearaverse @GizmosSpace @discord @webrtc @signalapp @JoshuaOppenheim What about the people that actually care about you! Why the f do you shit on them! What if at least some of them really want to care about you? But then you fuckartound and make them enemies? - do you seriously ever think about that?
posted 9 hours ago
@boxswapper @honeyzed97 @dorkingbeauty1 @SatanicLulz @ayu_19980408 @tearaverse @GizmosSpace @discord @webrtc @signalapp Zo who have you even manipulated as your puppet - first of all, it was sad to hear you explaining UDP vs TCP and I know that you are smarter than that.
posted 9 hours ago
‏‏‏‏ho̿neyzëd‏‏‏‏‏‏pǝ̈zʎǝuoɥ␚⑈⑉⑈ ⑈⑆⑇⑆⑇‏‏
‏‏‏‏ho̿neyzëd‏‏‏‏‏‏pǝ̈zʎǝuoɥ␚⑈⑉⑈ ⑈⑆⑇⑆⑇‏‏
@Zappit3 @boxswapper @dorkingbeauty1 @SatanicLulz @ayu_19980408 @tearaverse @GizmosSpace @discord @webrtc @signalapp their name is @JoshuaOppenheim and they made the act of killing
posted 9 hours ago
@boxswapper @honeyzed97 @dorkingbeauty1 @SatanicLulz @ayu_19980408 @tearaverse @GizmosSpace @discord @webrtc @signalapp Haha a person that admits to murdered someone without knowing that all spaces have stored recordings! It's like listening to people that do not know the difference between UDP and TCP - also recorded ;) @honeyzed97
posted 10 hours ago
@boxswapper @honeyzed97 @dorkingbeauty1 @SatanicLulz @ayu_19980408 @tearaverse @GizmosSpace @discord @webrtc @signalapp @honeyzed97 has admitted that the he/she killed a person - all spaces are recorded! This person does not know the difference between UDP/TCP packages nor does know any kind of networking.
posted 10 hours ago
@boxswapper @honeyzed97 @dorkingbeauty1 @SatanicLulz @ayu_19980408 @tearaverse @GizmosSpace @discord @webrtc @signalapp First of all - a lie will never stick! You chose this! - now deal with the consequences!
posted 11 hours ago
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