
Boots UK Limited, trading as Boots, is a pharmacy chain in the United Kingdom and Ireland, with outlets in most high streets, shopping centres and airport terminals.


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Recent Boots Issues

Damian George
Damian George
@BootsUK alarm at boots opticians bowen square Daventry gone off repeatedly all weekend. Please get it sorted immediately
posted 2 hours ago
@BootsUK I’m so angry and disappointed. Today in one of your stores I witnessed the theft of hundreds of items on premium skincare. The thieves left the store and the alarm sounded. They weren’t questioned at all, despite being altered that they had stolen products.
posted 2 hours ago
Juliet Muses
Juliet Muses
@BootsUK I'm having terrible trouble checking out my basket on both your website and app. I want to take advantage of online only offers so shopping in store is no good. Online customer services unhelpful. Please assist ASAP.
posted 1 day ago
@BootsHelp @BootsUK *typo: The customer care manager from @BootsUK refused to fully refund or replace the contaminated goods delivered because she claims that the goods are still "usable", despite the fact that they are contaminated, leaked and not in satisfactory condition.
posted 2 days ago
@BoctsUK I will dispose of the goods as they are contaminated and not in resalable condition. I am frustrated with @BootsUK coz I have to bear the risk for your poor packaging of your parcel and you don't want to take the responsibility. I never received an unsealed parcel like this.
posted 2 days ago
@BootsUK Extremely disappointed! I placed an order on Wednesday and paid for next day delivery…Royal Mail still hasn’t received my parcel.
posted 2 days ago
Tanya E
Tanya E
@PiersTorday @BootsUK Glad to hear you're past the worst of it thanks to speedy and attentive care. Well done to both Boots and our NHS.
posted 2 days ago
@BootsUK it's been a couple of weeks now that I can't checkout on the app or online. I've avoided purchasing products. Tried again today and it's the same issues with checkout. Anyone else having this problem? I've ended up using @superdrug instead.
posted 2 days ago
Mindy May
Mindy May
@BootsUK I’m using the 500 points when you spend £50 but it’s not working! I’m logged in and clicked through!!!!
posted 3 days ago
Action on Postpartum Psychosis
Action on Postpartum Psychosis
@MBUWestofScot @BootsUK @MBULUCYD @MBUCHLOE @sloanhln @dramandurrani @heronjess We're so glad to read they went down a treat. Thank you for sharing. Jessie - APP
posted 3 days ago
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