Hootsuite is a social media management system. The service lets users manage social interactions on multiple social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, Foursquare, MySpace, Wordpress and Mixi.


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Recent Hootsuite Issues

Kellen Brandon
Kellen Brandon
@hootsuite Those are the deadliest to a relationship
posted 6 hours ago
Bob, Matt, Jason
Bob, Matt, Jason
@hootsuite So it would be useful if you bothered to let us know what “further details” you required. I am trying to provide a corporate credit card for our account. My name is Robert Halcomb. Our employee who set up the account is D’anna Gaulin. We need to change the credit card!
posted 15 hours ago
Bob, Matt, Jason
Bob, Matt, Jason
@hootsuite please contact me at (949) 246-3866 to resolve a billing issue. Please respond asap.
posted 1 day ago
Test Pilot
Test Pilot
@hootsuite I need help my billing!
posted 1 day ago
@Carol_Stephen @RandyLyleClark All good, chickens are out and about so I need to keep one eye on them and @Hootsuite mobile isn't working well atm. #DigiBlogChat
posted 2 days ago
Having trouble on @Hootsuite #DigiBlogChat ... I'll try to catch up!
posted 2 days ago
Amelia james
Amelia james
@Olfequir @hootsuite Did it work for you? Or consider switching to @socialpilot_co has similar features and is cost effective.
posted 2 days ago
@PrimeHydrate @Rogers @OHLHockey @Pro @hootsuite @Metrolinx FREE MONEY: CTV, what is the @UofG #Ai styled bookstore laminated one-sheet of sorts (like a periodic table cheat sheet), on X #Ai modifications with team data. There could to be this notion that famous graduates of a school could be #Ai limited-topic chatbots themselves for…
posted 4 days ago
Darryl Hurs
Darryl Hurs
@james14_amelia @Hootsuite_Help I should update - we figured out the issue and @hootsuite corrected it thankfully So I give them credit for their service.
posted 5 days ago
@hootsuite This is in regards to charge attempts being made on a method of payment because I missed the cancelation period by a day. I signed up to try your services for a class I am enrolled in at the behest of the professor of that class.
posted 6 days ago
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