Hootsuite is a social media management system. The service lets users manage social interactions on multiple social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, Foursquare, MySpace, Wordpress and Mixi.


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@hootsuite This is in regards to charge attempts being made on a method of payment because I missed the cancelation period by a day. I signed up to try your services for a class I am enrolled in at the behest of the professor of that class.
posted 5 days ago
Hey @hootsuite is it possible to get a phone number for your customer service? I have an issue I would like to get resolved.
posted 5 days ago
Carlos Gil
Carlos Gil
@hootsuite @SMMWConference Embrace the power of connection at #SMMW24. Networking isn't just about likes and follows; it's about cultivating meaningful relationships that fuel growth and inspire greatness. Enjoy San Diego!
posted 2 months ago
Carlos Gil
Carlos Gil
@SpaceX @elonmusk @Starlink Boost your customer service with tools like @hootsuite, @SproutSocial, & @Zendesk for real-time engagement, streamlined response management, and detailed analytics. AI chatbots can automate routine inquiries, empowering your team for complex issues & top-notch customer service.
posted 3 months ago

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