Hootsuite is a social media management system. The service lets users manage social interactions on multiple social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, Foursquare, MySpace, Wordpress and Mixi.


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Hayden Sophia
Hayden Sophia
@RealaltRadar @hootsuite If you're looking for a seamless alternative with top-notch support and no billing hiccups, consider giving @ContentStudioio a try. Highly recommended!
posted 5 hours ago
John Thompson
John Thompson
@hootsuite @hootsuite_uk - the cost of our annual plan just increased by a factor of 3.56 on what we paid last year. You just took the money from our account - no warning, no justification. Plenty of cheaper, and no doubt better, alternatives to your service.
posted 7 hours ago
Kellen Brandon
Kellen Brandon
@hootsuite Those are the deadliest to a relationship
posted 16 hours ago
Bob, Matt, Jason
Bob, Matt, Jason
@hootsuite So it would be useful if you bothered to let us know what “further details” you required. I am trying to provide a corporate credit card for our account. My name is Robert Halcomb. Our employee who set up the account is D’anna Gaulin. We need to change the credit card!
posted 1 day ago
Bob, Matt, Jason
Bob, Matt, Jason
@hootsuite please contact me at (949) 246-3866 to resolve a billing issue. Please respond asap.
posted 1 day ago
Test Pilot
Test Pilot
@hootsuite I need help my billing!
posted 2 days ago
@Carol_Stephen @RandyLyleClark All good, chickens are out and about so I need to keep one eye on them and @Hootsuite mobile isn't working well atm. #DigiBlogChat
posted 2 days ago
Having trouble on @Hootsuite #DigiBlogChat ... I'll try to catch up!
posted 2 days ago
Amelia james
Amelia james
@Olfequir @hootsuite Did it work for you? Or consider switching to @socialpilot_co has similar features and is cost effective.
posted 3 days ago
@PrimeHydrate @Rogers @OHLHockey @Pro @hootsuite @Metrolinx FREE MONEY: CTV, what is the @UofG #Ai styled bookstore laminated one-sheet of sorts (like a periodic table cheat sheet), on X #Ai modifications with team data. There could to be this notion that famous graduates of a school could be #Ai limited-topic chatbots themselves for…
posted 4 days ago
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