
Airbnb lets individuals rent out accomodations to travellers and offers booking services for these accomodations to the public.


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الجبر خوارزمی
الجبر خوارزمی
@cian_duffy @bobmcmillan @Airbnb GDPR would stop these devices across all of Europe, as there's no proportional necessity for them this is confirmed by their own statement that these would lead to a security team being sent
posted 2 weeks ago
Tina D
Tina D
@fingalpimpernel @Airbnb Terrible. I remember a couple of ladies from the the far east on Joe Duffy after having turned up at Seville Place in Dublin to a so called 4 star hotel having paid up front etc. Left in the middle of nowhere and nowhere to turn to....
posted 1 month ago

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