Yelp is an online directory combined with social networking and user reviews.


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Recent Yelp Issues

The Ed from Vegas
The Ed from Vegas
@Yelp You are lying your ass off...I have talked to the sales reps in vegas...
posted 2 weeks ago
Vegan Hippo
Vegan Hippo
@Yelp Glad you missed ER! Your sales team is unethical, "forcing" paid ads that don't work btw! Also, all that pay for ads have "bad" reviews removed! Many good business have good reviews removed and "bad" ones push up front in order to "force" paid ads! Disgusting! $yelp
posted 2 months ago
Vegan Hippo
Vegan Hippo
@Yelp You hire the worst type of sales people to call non stop and lie to people. In fact small business suffers under you. Whole app is build around human ego and negativity. I hope there is class action lawsuit one day, showing how you to extort cash from ones that dont pay.
posted 2 months ago
@Yelp @YelpLA @yelpsupport @YelpOC @yelpforbusiness @nytimes @ConsumerReports @ConsumerRightX @Davidlaz @SBA @InsideEdition @NBCconsumer Hey do you know @Yelp is scamming people out of their hard earned money with their false advertisement campaigns and bully sales team?There are thousand of victims and I’m one of them.They stole my daughter’s Christmas money and they refuse to refund!!
posted 3 months ago

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