
LinkedIn is a business- and employment-oriented social networking service that operates via websites and mobile apps.


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Recent LinkedIn Issues

Pete (aka bro / dude)
Pete (aka bro / dude)
A salesperson from @LinkedIn contacted me. She wanted to sell me on their marketing successes with users. I answered her email, "I'd love to talk more, unfortunately #linkedin restricted my account and gave me no means to communicate with them. So kindly, fuck off.
posted 9 hours ago
daisy bard
daisy bard
@kenchengcomedy @LinkedIn suspended for being too real
posted 13 hours ago
Allen Mashburn
Allen Mashburn
@deplorable315 @LinkedIn Haven't had one in years. I take care of most of my X and I have a small team that helps with the other social media accounts. We have enough lol
posted 18 hours ago
@LinkedInHelp How can I access my account after a restriction when @LinkedIn doesn't support my national ID? Is there any other way we could resolve this issue?
posted 18 hours ago
@alisterrobbie I just recovered my account from a hacking incident. It is very strange that such incident was possible on @LinkedIn platform when I never operated my account from any public device. The hacker changed my profile to another person’s and that triggered a notification to me.
posted 1 day ago
I've never been one for professional networking very much before, but my #LinkedIn in popping this week with industry leaders and career experts on my latest post and I'm digging it!
posted 1 day ago
@LinkedIn My account is blocked. Help me unblock it@LinkedIn
posted 1 day ago
RIP networking on @LinkedIn They introduced a video button too? U don't have to serve what's in demand always, if u're going to lose ur essence. Customers aren't pampered kids. That you have to fulfill all their desires. Marketers need to see their wellbeing as well. #content
posted 1 day ago
Aryan Rakib
Aryan Rakib
@BetterPicAI @LinkedIn Let's connect for paid promotion
posted 1 day ago
@LinkedIn Blocked my account out of nowhere. Worst networking platform.
posted 1 day ago
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