
DirecTV is an American direct broadcast satellite service provider based in El Segundo, California and is a subsidiary of AT&T.


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Te detesto @laubfal das asco !. Son tan predecibles. Repudio total a esta mujer y a todo @telefe @Telefeprensa @Prensa_Kuarzo @DIRECTV @GranHermanoAr @ghermanoar ridículos
posted 6 hours ago
@Cardinals @AppleTV
posted 7 hours ago
Michael J. Newton
Michael J. Newton
@DIRECTV This is how you make an entertaining advertisement
posted 9 hours ago
Silverio Pérez
Silverio Pérez
@TelemundoPR se habrá dado cuenta que @DIRECTV tiene totalmente equivocada la Guía de programación de Telemundo, se le ha desprograma y quien quiera grabar un programa No Lo Puede hacer por esta desprogramación. ¿Lo corregirán?
posted 10 hours ago
Join the Experts!
posted 10 hours ago
Bob Curry
Bob Curry
@DIRECTV curious about where you got the Plush-crested Jay for use in the ad!
posted 10 hours ago
@WNBA Wish we had #wnba league pass on
posted 11 hours ago
Jeffrey Morrow
Jeffrey Morrow
@DIRECTV I had to leave Xfinity due to moving. Stuck with DirectTV....it's like switching from Windows to DOS. Horrible.
posted 12 hours ago
Jose Carrion
Jose Carrion
ayudando a Bsc. Socios de BSC no permitan que está gente siga con leguleyas y trampas .. muy propias de los partidos políticos....que hacen de TODO para llegar al poder.@Barce2023Carlos @LaRadioRedonda @RadioHuancavilk @ecdf710 @DIRECTV
posted 14 hours ago
You’re in a cult
You’re in a cult
@DIRECTV Keep raising your prices and screwing up bills. After 30+ years as a customer we still keep getting screwed. Canceling this week. Third strike.
posted 14 hours ago
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