
Destiny (Destiny 1 & Destiny 2) is an online multiplayer action role-playing first person shooter game for gaming consoles. Destiny is developed by Bungie and published by Activision.


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@Bungie @DestinyTheGame Overworking your employees for absolutely fucking nothing by introducing new systems that 85% of the entire community fucking hates and continues to express, yet you refuse to care. You guys need better consultants and community managers.
posted 9 hours ago
@Bungie @DestinyTheGame There are SOOOO many ways to improve Transmat if people are complaining about lack of Special uptime. It's actually insane that with Crates, it is more optimal to ruin double primary or double special instead of Primary/Special
posted 9 hours ago
Marcus Mauney
Marcus Mauney
@ElieNYC @DestinyTheGame Oh shit. Didn't know you played D2! Titan main here.
posted 9 hours ago
@PunkkRttn @DestinyTheGame People demanded they unsunset....they have...and you're now complaining about it??? Christ, its a no win situation for them.
posted 12 hours ago
Aaron Walker
Aaron Walker
@DestinyTheGame I appreciate the information but I cannot believe you would do this after saying repeatedly you would not, ever, do that. Its just super crappy to everyone who took what you said seriously. Don't wanna hurt your long time players? Come up with something better than this. :(
posted 13 hours ago
@DestinyTheGame Listen to the whispers of the lies bungie told us about our old gear never coming back and then magically bringing it all back. Cash grab fomo at its finest
posted 13 hours ago
Big Gamer29
Big Gamer29
@DestinyTheGame And is there a reason we don't get dual wielding blades??? Or is it just further down in the pipeline???...
posted 22 hours ago
Guy in the tower
Guy in the tower
@TheAzureRose1 @DestinyTheGame Yeah yeah they have been "fucked" and the game "dying" for 6 years now.
posted 22 hours ago
The Azure Rose
The Azure Rose
@DestinyTheGame With all the hyping you guys are doing, this better be the best expansion in all gaming or else you guys are truly fucked.
posted 22 hours ago
@DestinyTheGame Cant wait to see a 30mins breakdown video of this.
posted 22 hours ago
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