Counter-Strike is a first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation. CSGO (Counter Strike Global Offensive) is the latest version of the game.


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@GraphiteTaco @KatoBuff @CounterStrike Fact is ... nobody and especially no profit organization is doing this out of nothing ... Everybody knows its the absolute downgrade of everything the playerbase loved... This must have a purpose .. such things dont happen by coincidence ... the people believe to be too clever
posted 3 days ago
@chaddthundercok @kikyo_toruko @CounterStrike most that'll happen is people will start panic buying/selling the sticker & the price would inflate for a while before crashing back down
posted 6 days ago
Petru Grati
Petru Grati
@sksja23 @pricempire @kikyo_toruko @CounterStrike Stolen art shouldnt be tolerated at any point, if it's stolen then it should be taken down and the thieves should not benefit off it. Also all items are more expensive at launch and go down. Same tier AWPs from cases that still drop like F. Dream are same price, mortis is cheaper
posted 1 week ago
Cole Haan
Cole Haan
Fucking @CounterStrike is shit now - the hitbox and player models do not occupy the same space and the tracers are not where you're bullets are actually going In casual when your team is 7-0 down suddenly you hit insane pistol headshot kills from across the map. Morons!
posted 1 week ago
Luke Tippings-Latham
Luke Tippings-Latham
@MaximsTweets @ThourCS2 @CounterStrike Google sheets data validation has dropdown lists called "Chips". Chips can be coloured rather than colouring the whole cell. Looks cool but, awful for regular use as the chip has a smaller hitbox than the cell, and if you're used to old dropdowns you'll miss click all the time.
posted 1 week ago
Anxo Silva
Anxo Silva
@Flouiz @CounterStrike Sure, if you have 500k for 5 players you can spend 100k for player, if you need a 6th player you can only spend 83k for player, you get worse players But what about the teams with 5k? They can only spend 800 and you cant live with that in some countries, with 1k maybe you can
posted 1 week ago
Dark Brandon
Dark Brandon
@antheiks @SynchoCS @CounterStrike you invest in stickers pipe down bruh
posted 2 weeks ago
71st Jebus | Jebus 7
71st Jebus | Jebus 7
@ItsChillsTV @placeho21350029 @1juniorcs @CounterStrike Except it absolutely did happen just as often, people have been complaining about this since before csgo existed man. It's always been a problem
posted 2 weeks ago
@CounterStrike I forgot to bring down the acceptable ping, brought it down and won one and tied another one to cheaters #cs2moment #cs2
posted 2 weeks ago
@placeho21350029 @Based_sti @djaycs @floppyCSGO @CounterStrike so they spray issue doesnt exists only for you?
posted 2 weeks ago
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