
Santa Bárbarita ❤️‍ (@strategic_blax)

@TheJusticeDept @NAACP @JNelsonLDF @hrw @HRC @WeAreUnidosUS @usedgov @maddow @FoxNews @GOP @TheDemocrats @FBI @CIA @FLOTUS @DHSgov @USEEOC @TheFlaBar @StorageMart @StorageMartPrez @BernieSanders @TishJames @UN_HRC @CarnivalCruise @comcast @Disney I updated my @googledrive with @StorageMart email thread. I need help, all the lawyers I contact through the @TheFlaBar can't seem to help and they can't refer me to another. I feel like they need to be more ADA friendly and it's causing me to become extremely overwhelmed. I need…
posted 1 month ago