
British Gas is an energy and home services provider in the United Kingdom. It also offers the Hive digital thermostat.


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Recent British Gas Issues

@dukeofpeckham @BritishGas Everyone I've spoken to has been lovely and done everything they can, but there is a major issue with the systems in place and all departments communicating with each other it seems
@CaramelCookiie @RowdsDG @BritishGas Oh, the advisors are always really helpful and remove the £3000 bill BG keep incorrectly billing me, even admitting it's incorrect! Then it pops back on, and I call again, it gets removed and same all over again! Because BG had me on the wrong meter!!
. Im gonna have to go full Karen on @BritishGas tomorrow, when I have the energy to do a thread on the absolute shit show I've been dealing with for MONTHS
@StaceWhat @BritishGas I recently left them, had to take them when I moved by force but they’ve been so shit! I don’t even know how they expect people to tolerate such poor customer service
@RowdsDG @BritishGas And don't get me started on their complaints department/process or lack of
Duke of Peckham
Duke of Peckham
@StaceWhat @BritishGas Definitely! They seem so disconnected and no one actually says “Ok, I’m going to handle this PERSONALLY” it’s always pass it on to next one or the person you spoke to has disappeared and can’t be found
posted 5 hours ago
Duke of Peckham
Duke of Peckham
@StaceWhat @BritishGas I have vowed to never ever be a British Gas customer ever again. They are the absolute worst! Tried to send bailiffs to my house and send me to court for a mistake they made!!
posted 5 hours ago
Emma Aston
Emma Aston
@BritishGas @BGEnergytrust So I have been promised a call back on numerous occasions to no avail. They open a complaint then instantly close it. Completely pointless in raising a complaint. Have issues with smart reader. Make monthly payments and over £885 in credit but British Gas are failing to bill us!
posted 7 hours ago
Morris Hickey. Sunak not my PM. OUT NOW.
Morris Hickey. Sunak not my PM. OUT NOW.
@CatherineJBott @bt_uk BT is the worst company to deal with bar one. Surpassed by @BritishGas
posted 10 hours ago
Karl McNamara
Karl McNamara
Than @BritishGas pay you compensation for the lies.. and then repeat the lies! Astonishing arrogance & incompetence!!
posted 10 hours ago
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