Yelp is an online directory combined with social networking and user reviews.


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Recent Yelp Issues

Randall Dragoo
Randall Dragoo
@Yelp Not ok with you shoving your pride recommendedations/nonsense down our throats. Done with Yelp.
posted 1 day ago
k. palmer
k. palmer
@justicethomas maybe you should work for @Yelp or even @cunardline with all the trips you take. Maybe you and your party bus that is @SCOTUS should all step down???
posted 2 days ago
reel tawk
reel tawk
@Yelp Also, without and changes to reviews, your rating can magically just go down a tenth with no explanation.
posted 4 days ago
reel tawk
reel tawk
@Yelp 1 star review knocks you down a full star. And a 5 star review increases your rating by 1/10 a star. What. A. Scam. You force people to use your bs app to counter that
posted 4 days ago
P Todd Bradford
P Todd Bradford
@Yelp Why did you just send me a push note to tell me about restaurants where the people there enjoy same sex butt sex? Is that what we're "celebrating" we're celebrating butt sex? What other group gets celebrated for who they have sex with? I don't want that shit near my food!!
posted 4 days ago
xXrwbwaXx POI
xXrwbwaXx POI
@Yelp Not everyone appreciates you pushing sexual perversion like pride month. You need to allow people to turn that shit off. Garbage company supporting garbage ideologies.
posted 5 days ago
Michael Sambol
Michael Sambol
@Yelp @yelpsupport Does the algo take into account "reports" ? Because a business owner could have have their employees report a review, no?
posted 5 days ago
Does Chic Fila not have a Twitter?? Zero accountability these days #yelp
posted 5 days ago
Jman made a @Yelp account who’s ready for some disappointment and good reviews
posted 5 days ago
reel tawk
reel tawk
@millertimematt @Yelp Yelp is a scam. It’s pay to play.
posted 1 week ago
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