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Tommy Gauna
Tommy Gauna
@Yelp Is that why @yelp has settled lawsuits out of court alleging this? Is that why the documentary billion dollar bully exists? Can you explain why no one @yelp can explain why yelp sort is pulling - reviews from 2019 vs current reviews. The math doesn't add up. 1 star 4 YELP
posted 1 month ago
Tommy Gauna
Tommy Gauna
When I asked @Yelp why my 4.5 Star Restaurant's rating dropped to 3.5 Stars my concerns fell on deaf ear. Why would my rating drop 1 whole point? Why would old reviews from 2019 and 2014 now post to the top of the yelp sort list? I guess 5Star elite yelp reviews are fake too.
posted 1 month ago

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