
Saskatchewan Telecommunications Holding Corporation, commonly known as SaskTel, is a full service communications provider in Saskatchewan.

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Recent SaskTel Issues

Brent (@Plantmore1)

@TrawinAshton @Chris_bauer_LL @elonmusk @Starlink @SaskTel Yup, that’s why this could be the fix.
posted 1 hour ago

Ashton Trawin (@TrawinAshton)

@Plantmore1 @Chris_bauer_LL @elonmusk @Starlink @SaskTel 2. issue he explained the steps to acquire change. Basically acquire your constituents to sign petition, then have various other constituents from other geographical areas sign an equivalent petition. Finally, take it to the polls as a debatable topic.
posted 1 hour ago

Ashton Trawin (@TrawinAshton)

@Plantmore1 @Chris_bauer_LL @elonmusk @Starlink @SaskTel I just looked up the Starlink cell system. I didn’t realize they had a satellite phone at that level. My mistake
posted 1 hour ago

Brent (@Plantmore1)

@TrawinAshton @Chris_bauer_LL @elonmusk @Starlink @SaskTel Why would starlink need towers? The phone will pick up the signal.
posted 1 hour ago

Brent (@Plantmore1)

@TrawinAshton @Chris_bauer_LL @elonmusk @Starlink @SaskTel And, we have talked to MLA, we have wrote Sasktel letters from our RM, you know what hat the response is? Buy a booster. They don’t give a Fck about us in rural.
posted 1 hour ago

Ashton Trawin (@TrawinAshton)

@Plantmore1 @Chris_bauer_LL @elonmusk @Starlink @SaskTel 1. Yeah, that is the issue with Saskatchewan, large geographical area, with small population. Tough to provide good service everywhere especially when economics is poor return. It’s tough, have you looked into the RV starlink system? When I talked to my MLA about a different
posted 1 hour ago

Brent (@Plantmore1)

@Marionfarming @yachtclubmatty @elonmusk @Starlink @SaskTel And 5G is useless to make calls when the coverage area shrinks from what it was. Not sure who was asking for this.
posted 1 hour ago

Tyler Bartmanovich (@T_Bartman)

@yachtclubmatty @Plantmore1 @elonmusk @Starlink @SaskTel I just shut off the 5G on my phone and told it to use LTE.
posted 1 hour ago

Ashton Trawin (@TrawinAshton)

@Plantmore1 @Chris_bauer_LL @elonmusk @Starlink @SaskTel Starlink, would still require towers. The people of Saskatchewan own Sasktel. If you want better coverage approach your MLA and propose improvements. Get signatures to increase spending. If we go to a multinational why would they improve a tiny 1 mil ppl market? I wouldn’t
posted 1 hour ago

David Hamilton (@hamiltondw2)

@Nic_Och @Plantmore1 @elonmusk @Starlink @SaskTel We just had WiFi installed in some out buildings so we could actually send a txt with a picture without going to the house. We are in a dead zone with towers all around but just out of there range.
posted 14 hours ago