
Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Reddit's registered community members can submit content such as text posts or direct links.


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Dr Asspooper MD, MRCPsych parody
Dr Asspooper MD, MRCPsych parody
Dx is NOT a privilege - ''I do recognize that I have many privileges in my life, like the fact that I'm here accessing Reddit from my own personal computer. But the fact that I'm diagnosed with autism is sure as shit NOT one of them'', #reddit
posted 2 months ago
Dr Asspooper MD, MRCPsych , a parody page
Dr Asspooper MD, MRCPsych , a parody page
''The problem I have is when self diagnosed people come say that it isnt a disability because they dont have any issues... If they dont have issues then they arent autistic. Its in the diagnosis criteria that you need to have issues'', #REDDIT, #BEREAL
posted 2 months ago
Dr Asscracker MD, MRCPsych , a parody page
Dr Asscracker MD, MRCPsych , a parody page
''You can think you have something, but self-diagnosing and then posting it all over social media with "stimming vlogs" and stuff like that is almost insulting to me'', #reddit, #neurofucked
posted 3 months ago
Dr Asscracker MD, MRCPsych , a parody page
Dr Asscracker MD, MRCPsych , a parody page
Not everyone self diagnoses first: ''the claim that everyone self-diagnoses before getting a formal diagnosis (as an adult) just isn't true, yet I see it repeated time and again. For example, I had strong suspicions that I was autistic for years. I never self-diagnosed'',#REDDIT
posted 3 months ago

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