
Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Reddit's registered community members can submit content such as text posts or direct links.


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@alexduvallin @Reddit Yeah it sucks to be the one driving action as the shit regs just snipe
posted 2 weeks ago
Asia Tech Wire
Asia Tech Wire
#Reddit's IPO is currently between four and five times oversubscribed, making it more likely to reach a $6.5 billion valuation, per Reuters.
posted 1 month ago
@Flagrant2Army Mods on @Reddit are the most gatekeeping lunatics.. let me talk my shittttt
posted 1 month ago
Scott Schiller
Scott Schiller
@alexisohanian Trying every day, you are still ignoring some red flag issues on @Reddit, silence is supporting death and terrorism, it’s your legacy, help create evil or stop it, I prefer you do the right thing. How much do you hate Jews?
posted 2 months ago
Scott Schiller
Scott Schiller
@alexisohanian @sevensevensix @cristina_laki @vanzetta_chris I tried to log into my @Reddit account, that platform you helped create, can’t though because I am permanently banned for attempting to seek support against blatant antisemitism and hate, @Reddit_Support is as useless as you have been, why @alexisohanian?!? Do you hate like them?
posted 3 months ago
A Centrist
A Centrist
@EndTribalism 15%!! That’s way too low. I was on @Reddit for awhile and it was bizarre. Always pushing a narrative and the users are toxic. Best decision I ever made was deleting my account
posted 3 months ago

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