
Netregistry is a provider of domain names and offers web hosts for small businesses. Netregistry is part of the Melbourne IT Group.


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Recent Netregistry Issues

@netregistry must be run by morons now.Not only did they delete all our DNS records but they also deleted our account and would not even try to restore it. WTF @netregistry
posted 1 hour ago
James Hodgkinson
James Hodgkinson
@netregistry Hey customer advocacy, scroll up. I’m not chasing your security issues anymore
posted 1 hour ago
@marijuanacomau @netregistry @WebcentralAU True, there are a heap of scammers
posted 1 hour ago
Greg Yates
Greg Yates
@netregistry @WebcentralAU why am I getting certificate not valid messages for one of my mail accounts ? On both mobile device and laptop. Thanks
posted 1 hour ago
Steve Johnston
Steve Johnston
@ServerCrew_AU @netregistry @WebcentralAU They must be doing something pretty special to be causing this issue. DNS isn't this fragile.
posted 3 months ago
@tenancy_toolbox @netregistry I’m sorry to hear about this experience. I’ll have this investigated asap. I’ve sent you a private message asking for your domain/account information so we can get this sorted and update you today. Thank you for reaching out about this matter – Kevin
posted 1 year ago
Joel Fortmann
Joel Fortmann
Hey @WebcentralAU @NetregistryFail @netregistry Why are your name servers down AGAIN? 3rd time in 2 weeks. 2nd time in 2 days! Guess I'm starting my weekend early.
posted 2 years ago