MyFitnessPal is a smartphone app and website that tracks diet and exercise to determine optimal caloric intake and nutrients for the users' goals and uses gamification elements to motivate users.

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24 hours 6 reports (+100% change)
7 days 7 reports (+100% change)

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Recent My Fitness Pal Issues

Thinking Out Loud (@Hero_Forrest)

I’m thrilled @Apple created Hide My Email. Companies like @MyFitnessPal don’t deserve anyone’s contact information. I’m so glad they have a dummy that I’ve already deactivated.

Thandekile Moyo (@Mamoxn)

@drDendere @MyFitnessPal If you don’t eat meat then you are in trouble!

Scott Havel (@havel_scott)

@MyFitnessPal are other members having issues signing into their account or is it just me?

Philip Luce (@PhilWCC)

@MaxROIFarmer @MyFitnessPal @FarmFitMomma FWIW, after realizing that the database for some items was wildly inaccurate I switched to an app called Cronometer which is essentially the same thing but requires a review before stuff can be added to the database, unlike myfitnesspal which lets users add stuff without review
posted 10 hours ago

Gregg Aston (@baldy100)

@LifeFitness Why doesn't your app sync data with @MyFitnessPal. Seems a long standing issue according to a web search. Can't request tech help either via Feedback function as that also doesn't work
posted 20 hours ago

Dan Cairns (@DanCairns83)

@MyFitnessPal all my days data and previous days food data has disappeared and my daily calories have changed. Is there an issue?
posted 1 day ago

RunningRed NightBringer (@RunningRedNB)

You used to be able to scan barcodes to look up food in #MyFitnessPal but they moved that to paid-only. Removing features does not incentive me to give you money. Cause, what other features are you going to restrict out of greed? I'm thinking #gouge might apply.
posted 4 days ago

Doug Orchard (@Pi_Mai)

@MyFitnessPal How come I'm getting junk mail from my account email from using your app? Seriously! Not cool.
posted 2 weeks ago

Ms. Scorpio♏️ breezy lover (@sierradior_)

Is my fitness pal seriously down AGAIN?! #myfitnesspal
posted 2 weeks ago

The Finesser♑️ (@RaynieJBlige)

@MyFitnessPal why are y’all charging $28 a month for this app?? The streaming websites don’t even charge this much!
posted 2 weeks ago