
League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS.

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24 hours 5 reports (+150% change)
7 days 15 reports (+37% change)

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Recent League of Legends Issues

Dexter (@lagger142)

@1Smalli @sushitrash1337 @LeagueOfLegends @terrybogard93 @kramer3918
posted 10 hours ago

Dexter (@lagger142)

@FalconizerYT @sushitrash1337 @LeagueOfLegends @terrybogard93
posted 10 hours ago

Wemnix (@wemnix)

@LeagueOfLegends the official league of legends account interacting with leaguetwt can only end in chaos
posted 15 hours ago

Cardozo (@Felnyarsal)

@LeagueOfLegends Cancel the new shitty masteries asap
posted 15 hours ago

Nafsu (@naf1sur)

@LeagueOfLegends Tweeted from the wrong account?
posted 15 hours ago

Mistress Nyx VA (@MistressNyxVA)

@ii_Gaze_ii @LeagueOfLegends Remember when Lil Nas X was president, and it was super fun and gay? Notice how you didn’t see any lesbians tearing that down? Try that. There are also gay characters. Varus, Aphelios, Graves, Viktor, K’Sante, Lee Sin. Varus being the first LGBT confirmed by Riot openly.
posted 1 day ago

SZ (@SoceZenix)

@LeagueOfLegends @RiotBrightmoon Dude dropped vanguard to fuck league and dipped lmao
posted 1 day ago

Kay (@koskay__)

@LeagueOfLegends The enemy Seraphine disconnected and the enemy team chose to remake lol I love league of legends
posted 2 days ago

Gatinka (@gato_tea)

@keiphine @LeagueOfLegends Yall I also do not like Seraphine's state rn as she gets gapped by like every other enchanter w some form of cc and feels too team reliant when apc, but we gotta stop complaining again for a bit before they delete the champ or sum. I am sure Riot's team is beyond over us atp
posted 2 days ago


@bugrahcs @riotgames @LeagueOfLegends imo you made it even worse
posted 2 days ago