Hootsuite is a social media management system. The service lets users manage social interactions on multiple social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, Foursquare, MySpace, Wordpress and Mixi.


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Recent Hootsuite Issues

JC Sangronis
JC Sangronis
@hootsuite Help! I subscribed to Hootsuite free trial and then canceled it but **they keep trying to charge me**. I have deleted the account but nothing works This is an abuse! #Hootsuite
posted 1 month ago
K12 Academics
K12 Academics
@hootsuite Please refund full amount for these very, very dirty underhanded tactics. I didnt agree for this automatic renewal, double the charge, without even so much of a warning of the price increase. Very unprofessional.
posted 2 months ago

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