Counter-Strike is a first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation. CSGO (Counter Strike Global Offensive) is the latest version of the game.


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Recent Counter-strike Issues

Javi Granados✌
Javi Granados✌
@CounterStrike Fix ur game. Spinbot and wh in all games in premier. U need to put good anticheat. Plsss
posted 3 hours ago
@kuch_workshop @CounterStrike im FOAMING at the mouth for the 1.6 sticker! i wish valve would of done something special for us with 20+yr accounts :( my steam account is going to be old enough to drink this year lmao i had steam since it launched but played cs before steam.
posted 3 hours ago
@vaya_maps @CounterStrike they're clearly labeled as such and available on the workshop. if creators want us to take them down, I'm more than happy to oblige. I reached out to several map creators asking if they minded and zero, actually zero, responded. people want to play on these maps and will do so…
posted 3 hours ago
@popflashsite @CounterStrike
posted 3 hours ago
کچل سابق
کچل سابق
someday they release valorant and says this is csgo killer but it wasnt. now we see cs2 is the real csgo killer. #fixthistshit @CounterStrike @valvesoftware @Steam
posted 8 hours ago
tigrinjoá… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… 
tigrinjoá… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… á… 
@CounterStrike Your game is dead. Even Faceit can't deal with cheaters any more... Faceit is now like Premier. Good Night Valve.
posted 8 hours ago
@jLcsgo_ @CounterStrike good shit bro, you deserved that. fuck what everyone had to say YOURE A MAJOR MVP
posted 13 hours ago
Iacob Lucian
Iacob Lucian
@TheChef69420 @TDM_Jesus @pricempire @CounterStrike He can t, he is getting paid to do so, in order to shoutout sponsor, he needs to open cases as content, so he choose money over community, like volvo
posted 13 hours ago
@ThourCS2 @CounterStrike Mr.Anti-cheat is on a vacation aswell with @valvesoftware @CounterStrike, atm chilling in hawaii
posted 13 hours ago
Pierdolone @valvesoftware albo coÅ› nieroby zrobicie z tymi cheaterami albo ta gra zostanie szybko zapomniana i znienawidzona. Pozdro dla was nieroby. @CounterStrike
posted 22 hours ago
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