
Bluehost is a web hosting company owned by Endurance International Group. It is one of the 20 largest web hosts, collectively hosting well over 1.9+ million domains with its sister companies, HostMonster, FastDomain and iPage.


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Recent Bluehost Issues

Tony Comley
Tony Comley
@bluehost Hi. I've been trying to get an issue resolved with FatCow for a week now. It regards $2400 of fraudulent charges on my account. This morning I've waited an hour for a customer service agent so far. Please can we get this resolved?
posted 1 month ago
Juan C Novoa
Juan C Novoa
@bluehost @bluehostsupport your refusal to reverse an unauthorized charge via PayPal is shocking - and potentially illegal. Customer support via webchat insist on me logging in to an account I don't have access to anymore. What other options can you provide to solve this issue?
posted 2 months ago
Peter Oakes
Peter Oakes
@VisualPersist @bluehost @bluehostsupport That is so true. One of the laziest companies I have encountered. They expect clients to work for them to solve their issues. They also know of problems but don't tell clients other are experiencing same. But they keep charging. I feel sorry for their staff who clearly agree.
posted 2 months ago
Peter Oakes
Peter Oakes
The only way a customer can get support from @bluehost is by pushing an issue. BH has no respect for its customers. Its attitude is 'focus on revenue at all cost & not do anything that might incur a cost' such as delivering the service a client pays for in advance. Really poor.
posted 2 months ago
Peter Oakes
Peter Oakes
No point in engaging with @bluehost in DM. #BLUEHOST only gets its act into gear when its performance has a light shone on it. With minutes of taking to twitter - after days of waiting - coincidentally, mysteriously but miraculously issues resolved. A quite disingenuous culture.
posted 2 months ago
The New Conservative
The New Conservative
Dear readers, just to keep you updated - we are still waiting for @bluehost to complete the Sisyphean task of processing payment. TNC will be back online soon, please bear with us.
posted 2 months ago
The New Conservative
The New Conservative
If anyone knows any of the following, please get in touch: A) decent website host to replace @bluehost, B) good lawyer to sue @bluehost, C) hitman with a special dislike for scammers like @bluehost
posted 2 months ago
The New Conservative
The New Conservative
You absolutely scamming bastards @bluehost - get our fucking website back up now, or we'll get your cowboy outfit shutdown permanently.
posted 2 months ago
The New Conservative
The New Conservative
@bluehost Besides pretending that our email address no longer works, do you have any better lies as for why you haven't resolved this ridiculous tech issue?
posted 2 months ago
Niche Ben
Niche Ben
@agreen140A @bluehost Same issue here
posted 2 months ago
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