
Bluehost is a web hosting company owned by Endurance International Group. It is one of the 20 largest web hosts, collectively hosting well over 1.9+ million domains with its sister companies, HostMonster, FastDomain and iPage.


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Recent Bluehost Issues

Is @bluehost down for anyone else? I cant get into my wordpress site to work, i cant see my blog either
posted 3 hours ago
Digital Tomato |
Digital Tomato |
@FunkyDncOnion @bluehost Adding domains to my account. Deleting my hosting renewal that I’ve had for 3 years. Promising to renew my account in 48 hours. Lost my email account and communication with clients. Hardly seems like user error…
posted 3 hours ago
@bluehost went from the best hosting service to the worst in about 4 months. Unreliable, only servicing Word Press and customer service agents are short and don’t know details previous agents did. Highly disappointed. With that; what is the best #Website hosting company?
posted 3 hours ago
Sarwar Sateer
Sarwar Sateer
@bluehost If you don't want to get suspended, don't post tweets like this
posted 3 hours ago
@bluehost is the worst hosting on the planet. Never, and I mean never use their services. If you do you’ll spend hours getting a website to work. You’ll spend hours trying to get emails to work. Only to have the worst customer service in India ever. Shit service.
posted 4 hours ago
Digital Tomato |
Digital Tomato |
@ClassicsCrypto @bluehost For web hosting @bluehost is the worst and I’m learning they have screwed over a lot of people. I lost my site, my email, and they even added domains to my account that I never purchased. I hope @GoogleWorkspace drops them.
posted 8 hours ago
Tobi Fregene
Tobi Fregene
@bluehost @Resellerclub billing is a scam
posted 18 hours ago
John D Burns
John D Burns
@bluehost I'm pleased to say my issue is now resolved. Thanks to @bluehost for their support.
posted 22 hours ago
Jean Luc
Jean Luc
@bluehost @HostMonsterHelp Please check inbox. We replied to same case [OEML-1582370] as the same issue is happening.
posted 1 day ago
Bridgecard Chef and Driver
Bridgecard Chef and Driver
@JohnBurnswriter @bluehost has your issue been fixed? We're still locked out here.
posted 1 day ago
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