
Bluehost is a web hosting company owned by Endurance International Group. It is one of the 20 largest web hosts, collectively hosting well over 1.9+ million domains with its sister companies, HostMonster, FastDomain and iPage.


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Recent Bluehost Issues

@digital_tomato @bluehost No issues with Squarespace
posted 2 hours ago
Bridgecard Chef and Driver
Bridgecard Chef and Driver
@JohnBurnswriter @bluehost has your issue been fixed? We're still locked out here.
posted 2 hours ago
Maker Faire Coney Island #CIMF2024
Maker Faire Coney Island #CIMF2024
@bluehost We have done so by phone and text repeatedly. I am happy to post all results here. This tweet is a last ditch effort before contacting @ICANN
posted 2 hours ago
Digital Tomato |
Digital Tomato |
@ClassicsCrypto @bluehost For web hosting @bluehost is the worst and I’m learning they have screwed over a lot of people. I lost my site, my email, and they even added domains to my account that I never purchased. I hope @GoogleWorkspace drops them.
posted 2 hours ago
@bluehost went from the best hosting service to the worst in about 4 months. Unreliable, only servicing Word Press and customer service agents are short and don’t know details previous agents did. Highly disappointed. With that; what is the best #Website hosting company?
posted 4 hours ago
Is @bluehost down for anyone else? I cant get into my wordpress site to work, i cant see my blog either
posted 13 hours ago
Digital Tomato |
Digital Tomato |
@FunkyDncOnion @bluehost Adding domains to my account. Deleting my hosting renewal that I’ve had for 3 years. Promising to renew my account in 48 hours. Lost my email account and communication with clients. Hardly seems like user error…
posted 14 hours ago
Maker Faire Coney Island #CIMF2024
Maker Faire Coney Island #CIMF2024
@bluehost @ICANN Hi Bluehost - thanks for replying. Thank you for repeating the same information we have been offered for the last two weeks. Your DNS in fact DID update yesterday. You set it to reflect to your own parking servers as evidenced here: Updated Date: 2024-04-15T18:07:26Z Creation…
posted 16 hours ago
krellen grumpyman
krellen grumpyman
@newdarkcloud @bluehost Actually, it isn't good. We live in a world obsessed with bad security practises and are over-protecting things that do not require this level of protection. Also, absolutely nothing in life should *require* access to text messaging.
posted 16 hours ago
Teacher Travel Times
Teacher Travel Times
Rookie blogger mistake/help appreciated. My site is down and it's hosted by @bluehost . I've paid my subscription for the year and I'm troubleshooting other possibilities/exhausted and just want to get it sorted ASAP. #pleasehelp #bloggerstribe #bloggers
posted 19 hours ago
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