
Bluehost is a web hosting company owned by Endurance International Group. It is one of the 20 largest web hosts, collectively hosting well over 1.9+ million domains with its sister companies, HostMonster, FastDomain and iPage.


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Akwuobi Chukwudi
Akwuobi Chukwudi
@bluehost The support number is E-63760. Please send our backup files and database back to this email jafaclinkbusiness@gmail.com. Send it promptly. You’re still the worst hosting service provider. The account ID is 153232349.
posted 1 day ago
Prince Will Topaz Software development solution
Prince Will Topaz Software development solution
@bluehost is the worst web hosting service ever don't ever use this company. So, you will not be disappointed tomorrow.
posted 1 day ago
Akwuobi Chukwudi
Akwuobi Chukwudi
@bluehost is the worst hosting service, after deleting all the files on the database and still canceling the service without a reason or thought, the amount of work put in. Blue host should shut down and allow other serious services to continue. @elonmusk @ionos_help_US @GoDaddy
posted 1 day ago
@bluehost yes i have done so many times (also in the past) and your abuse teams do not work accordingly.
posted 1 day ago
@ArjNaik @bluehost Hi Arj! I am sorry to hear you've run into issues with them. Unfortunately, websites getting infected with malware is very common with Bluehost as their servers aren't protected and if your sites get infected, they can then upsell SiteLock.
posted 1 day ago
Nicole Osmer
Nicole Osmer
@bluehostsupport @health_commerce When will our account be unblocked? We have been hearing “we are escalating this, it will be two or three more days” for months @bluehost @bluehostsupport
posted 2 days ago
Nicole Osmer
Nicole Osmer
We have been a @bluehost customer for 17 years. We had a fraud incident in January and have been locked out of making changes to our account since then. We have spent hours on the phone with your customer service over the past four months. Our website for @health_commerce is now…
posted 2 days ago
Joe S
Joe S
@bluehost you have the worst worst worst customer experience on earth
posted 2 days ago
Dennis Agle
Dennis Agle
@bluehost, emulating all the worst bits of godaddy. I miss old bluehost.
posted 3 days ago
Denmen Sterling
Denmen Sterling
@RevDukeNolan @bluehost That's shitty! What kind of company does that?
posted 3 days ago
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