Amnet offers broadband internet and internet phone service (VoIP) to businesses and individuals in Perth.
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Recent Amnet Issues

Mr Wayne (@coreyj)

Why @AmnetBroadband would I suddenly be on 1.8mb on an adsl2+ connection? The usual 6mb is slow enough.
posted 3 hours ago

Derek Boylen BSSc MC (@MarriageMan)

@AmnetBroadband REALLY unhappy our internet has been down for nearly 48hrs now! Would appreciate an update, or response to our emails. Help!
posted 3 hours ago

최리사 (@lizzenith)

@AmnetBroadband Today is the 4th day I have no internet. Your website stated to call but there is no service. And my emails are also not answered. I need my Internet up ASAP pls.
posted 3 hours ago

Luke Motion (@rudeabaconing)

@AmnetBroadband have tried calling helpline but only have option to leave a message. My connection has been down all day, need assistance
posted 3 hours ago

Tom (@ThomasLeenders)

Holy shit I just got asked by an @AmnetBroadband rep for my account password - the same password I use to log into my dashboard. Apparently they all have access to this info and is how they identify I am the account holder? Is that not a huge security risk?
posted 6 years ago