
Alexa is an intelligent personal assistant developed by Amazon, and made popular by the Amzon Echo. Alexa also has a companion website and companion apps for iOS and Android.

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Recent Alexa Issues

JayGrissom.ICP (@jfgrissom)

@scottypwins My NSA eves dropping device (#AmazonEcho) told me these little stars mean the bill was printed to replace a previously damaged bill. #Fascinating that we have to do this in an age of #DigitalMoney. Don’t get me wrong if people want bills they should have the option. #StillCrazy
posted 4 weeks ago

Carly (@Mummotutu)

Getting so fed up with #amazonecho devices not working..I can call all contacts using Alexa app on my phone but none of the echo devices can call my son's phone. Just drops the call without ringing. Updated, reset, etc. No block on phone and worked before Christmas. #irritating
posted 2 months ago

Chris J Finlay (chrisjfinlay.bsky.social) (@chrisjfinlay)

Everytime I play #Jeopardy on #Amazonecho #Alexa, it goes into whisper mode when I pass on a question. I ask it to stop whispering and it just quits the game. Useless shite.
posted 3 months ago