AbeBooks is an e-commerce global online marketplace with seven national domains that offers Books, Fine Art, and Collectibles from sellers in 50+ countries. On August 1, 2008, Amazon acquired AbeBooks.

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Recent Abebooks Issues

G. K. Chessterton (@gkchessterton42)

@saychess1 @MartinBrookes @ChessAndBridge @AbeBooks Martin, you dropped this:
posted 1 hour ago

Anastasia-Camille (@hursatanicwiles)

@abebooks I made an account and got a promo code a couple months ago, but can't find it in my emails. About to place an order, is there a way to get one again?!
posted 5 hours ago

LeritLab (@LabLerit)

@peiferlabunc @AbeBooks As an @AbeBooks customer myself, i find this very disappointing customer service!
posted 15 hours ago

this was interesting (@howitworked)

Did some research & found out HIPPO closed a few days after taking my money. They never shipped the book. I’m disappointed that @AbeBooks didn’t let me know. Be careful ordering anything from them. Not very reliable
posted 2 weeks ago

Vicky 'Woke and Proud of It' Coules (@victoriacoules)

@AbeBooks Wait, what???!!! I order a book, agree the cost and postage and then get an email saying "oh, sorry, the vendor just remembered it's a heavy book and wants ANOTHER £10." I DON'T THINK SO!! Rejected it. Now you've charged me the original amount!! Is this a scam??
posted 2 weeks ago

Մարիամ Մելիքսեթյան (@mariam_melik)

@AbeBooks I tried days ago with no response.
posted 3 weeks ago


bro fuck @AbeBooks it’s on sight with all y’all fr
posted 1 month ago

Dan Jones (@hypnodan)

@AbeBooks I'm just following up again as there is no other way to contact yourselves and I would like to get my issue resolved and haven't had a response yet...
posted 1 month ago

Dan Jones (@hypnodan)

@AbeBooks I can't find any way to contact support. There seems to be no contact option for the issue I have. I bought a book that was listed on Abebooks as signed by author, the book arrived & isn't signed. I contacted the seller, thinking they would apologise, explain why and
posted 1 month ago

Famke ❖  (@dutchdesignhero)

@AbeBooks Obviously I would not have paid $120,- for this secondhand book with water damage and sticky pages. It's been shrink wrapped after having been used/water damaged and was sold as new. Completely unacceptable and extremely annoying. I just wanted a new book.
posted 1 month ago